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A member registered Jul 13, 2020

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  I quite enjoyed your game.  The controls and mechanics of the game were quite intuitive (I only now read the directions and description, after already beating the game twice), and I really like the small detail of the balls having a graphic when they're actually stuck to a surface.
  I can see how the glitching chains might frustrate players, and while I was able to get past that issue, you might want to set a hard limit to how far the links of the chains can be separated, alongside tweaking the chain physics a bit (so that, in the example of the spinning platforms at the end, the chain would be nearly parallel with said spinning platform while one ball is attached and the other is swinging around.)

As a side note, I imagine the speedruns of a full game like this would look amazing and ridiculous.

This is a really good game! The graphics and audio are great, and the main mechanic works really well (especially with the level design).  I noticed a small bug where, if you spam-clicked rmb, you could sometimes end up with one sword inside a control block and another in your hand. Not sure how useful (or game-breaking) this could be, but it's interesting nonetheless.

I really like the game's art style, and the music is really good too. I would like to see this expanded upon.  Perhaps the player character could be in different states, so that different things freeze/unfreeze it? The different states could also have different movement capabilities when frozen/unfrozen.

(6 edits)

Note: I understand that these games were made under very tight circumstances, and I applaud you for even making something this good in 48 hours.  Still, It's fun to find bugs and glitches like these, and I think that if you develop this into a full game, things like these definitely need to be fixed (especially the softlocks, those aren't very fun.) I'm also just updating this when I encounter glitches, so it'll get bigger over time.

I found a glitch/bug where, in the room after the laser room, I reset the puzzle (because I slid myself into a corner), and the camera was on the laser room, and not the room I was in.  I'll also note that I couldn't go back into the laser room, but I'm assuming you're not supposed to be able to go back.  Either way, I couldn't see what I was doing, so I had to reload the page. I'll post a picture if I can recreate the glitch.

Also, I've found that, specifically in some of the rooms with ice, if you hold down a directional key when you're frozen (when you step "out of control"), you will keep sliding in that direction, even if you're not on ice.  Whether or not this works seems to be toggled on or off by some means, though I'm not sure what actions cause what I'm calling the "slidey state". 

Another glitch, in a similar fashion to the first, is a softlock I found in the room 2 rooms after you introduce ice, where I reset, and respawned in the room before. I then found that the exit was blocked by some invisible wall. I reset, and the invisible wall was still there.